I took a bunch of picture of UT minor for the photo competition...I forgot to send them in :(
UT looks awesome in the summer and even more magnificent during the winter...it is unreal how Misse be doing that place up!! lol
I am not feeling well, SL or RL
It will take time to adjust, to be myself again, I just can't wait for it to happen, I want this bitter/sour taste in my mouth to go away once and for all.
it is hard been this down and trying to fake it around everyone.
Do you know what it is to break down in front of a group?
I try to hold back my tears, hide my emotions, but it comes a moment that the pain, the ache, the hurt just takes over and there is no where to hide it...and the only option is to excuse myself, and make something up quickly to leave...but some times I have no time to get away, I choke...
I make up a headache, or a stomach ache too painful for me to take or handle at the moment, it works around family, but the people who see me on a regular basis, hard to hide it from them, or even more so having to lie.
I barely leave my room, hey, I barely leave my house, I can't stand to go out there feeling like this...
Nothing has meaning at this point...
Will I ever trust again?
that is my biggest fear. Took me so long to build that, for someone just to take it and crush it, toy with it, stomp on it...because it didn't mean anything to him.
it was easier and more convenient to kill my trust, my feelings, my love, than to be honest...wow, just wow!!!
Since I am a believer that what goes around comes around, and I really don't wish anyone any harm or pain, I swear, my pain is nothing compare to what this person will have to endure one day.
Aint that some shit!!
Broken from SL to RL