...I wish it was Sunday cause that's my funday...yeah, I only wish it was Sunday all over again, sniff my comforter as I wrap myself around it like a burrito! ummm, I just love the smell of clean sheets/comforters. Monday mornings I feel as if I didn't get enough sleep the previous night, tossing and turning, thinking and knowing I have to work the next day does not help. I was really looking forward to coming to work and for that reason I was so excited and I actually had a good night sleep...I even had my clothes ready from last night, helluuuur, when did that start happening? We just had so much to cover before actual work really began...
coffee + gossip = great day at the office :)
At least our gossips don't get us in trouble, we are usually just talking shit about ourselves, putting each other on the spot and making fun of our own tragedies, and God knows we have plenty!! Can't complaint, it has been a great day after all, so the gossips did work!
Had a great weekend aside from the date and decided to just lay off that department, my friends can just go suck a big c**k but at the moment I can't tell my heart what to do.
I am in love with someone else and even though this person may no longer feel the same way about me I can't help the way I feel about him.
I am sure he does have some feelings for me somewhere, but things are just not the same. as Miss E says; how does he expect you to stay in love with him when he does not nurture your relationship...but that is something that maybe when it is here we will both deal with, but until then I am the one who is trying to deal with all of this feelings and this love...
oh well, esa es la vida!