Peter, Georges, Igor |
When I was stuck all alone in the Netherlands with nobody to talk to, text, or even email my friend Georges was there to listen, to bug me, make fun of me and the best part of it all they tried so very hard to make me happy and smile!!!
I met Georges in SL in 2008 and we have been friends ever since. Although he lives in Belgium we have managed to meet up and enjoy each others company, trust me, we have fun when we all get together, the sarcastic sense of humor we share is ridiculously funny in our own sick way.
Peter although I met him recently we really acted as if we knew each other for ever, he was my tour guide and walked me all over Antwerpen telling me the history of just about each statue, street, and building we came in contact with...he bought me Gelato when we were done the tour :) so kewl!
I met Igor in 2008 when Georges came to visit the states, we sure had fun in the back seat of that car and the laughs are still endless each time we take a trip through memory lane...he sure is something else, fun and funny :) *raises her invisible glass of dark beer* here is to ya Igor!!!
I was invited to Belgium...I really liked the city but somehow it was so boring!! We had fun while we were walking around the city, taking pictures and talking crap but once we were back in the house it was like ~what do we do now?~
BTW...Did you know they did check points in the city? they just stop each and every car that goes by and do drug and alcohol test on them, come on...are you serious?! yeah, of course I agree with the no drinking and driving rule but shit, you know what we call that back in the states? cops with nothing to do! like in the small cities/towns when you call 911 and about 7 cruisers show up to your house...mhm, something like that.
I am considering taking that vacation, geez I really need to get away and organize my thoughts and ideas, no..really I do :)
Next year is going to be extremely busy for me, I intent to travel each and every time I get a chance, withing the US and outside the US, I love to travel! that darn travel bug bit me and I am just so infected...sooooo organizing myself and planning ahead, everything should go smoothly and according to plan :)
Amsterdam, NL |