Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Time to call it a night

I had a great day!

Time to get home.

Spanish Bogeda!! LOL

the creations we can encounter!!

I felt I was in New York!! LOL

Adventures of a new year

Changes at home

With a new year, the changes are coming...

I feel like a garden, in bloom, discovering, ready to do it up!  LOL

I changed the property again....and I like it, is very garden, romantic, fae, enchanted forest like...I am still not done, I am missing a few things but little by little I am going to make it perfect

I just realized the sun was coming up...I was working in the dark

trying out my new shower

I should have taken my clothes off

but I was working all day, even my wings were dirty

I see the sun from the corner of my eyes, it is gorgeous :)

I am liking this...

looking at what I have created so far...

yes, it is nice and very peaceful

I do hope the swan is friendly

hmmmm I look like a swan...hehehe

i like it, i like it a lot 
Great job!! so far, I have little things to put here and there to make it complete to make it perfect, specially when spring is only 3 months away.

From SL to RL with love

I can be in SL all day, not even have to a move a pixel and still interact with friends *giggles* best part of roleplay and emotes.
The mind is something so amazing...

Happy New years

Old year! thank you for everything, I will never forget you, you taught me so much, now is a new year, new goals, dreams to come true!


How did I feel today?


My friend calls me..Flowerpot, and I felt just like that :) like a flower, blooming
and made some changes...next post!!

Today I felt like a fae and looked like one too :)

Happy Punky in SL and RL