Monday, February 20, 2012

What a wonderful day

I spent the day with my Master and I couldn't be happier :)

I still can't believe it happened, we shopped a bit, changed our home and what do you know!!! we had the same thing in mind :) amazing huh? nah, we are meant to be, soulmates, he is in my thoughts and knows what I want and what I need, it has nothing to do with amazing, it has everything to do with FATE!

Always stand by your man!

He was just testing the poses, seriously, I am a good girl *grins*

He is understanding to my needs, to each of my every needs, it is why I am devoted to him

So much love

Testing out a new chair, see if he likes, but I have other options

I loved my day!

He gave me a reason to smile, and a reason to look forward to us :)

From SL to RL with love