Saturday, January 28, 2012

A day of shopping and other things

Paid tier today..
Found another pup, gema and bubba had another one!! hehe
Not much going on in SL other than the great destinations they offer prior to login in...Now you can play games and earn Lindens...great places too!

Dranopia Quest - The Game

San Diego 3D

Phaze Demesnes - is a magic land of water, dragons, unicorns, and robots...tons of quiet, romantic spots and awesome landscape!

and that is just a few of them...

I tried but my computer is sorta slow for it and I suck at flying!

I bought some nice clothes and of course my RLV shoes for Kryystall...

Overall it was great exploring the new places they offer!

After exploring and shopping went home and took some pics!

I miss my SL at times, but when I am there I miss my Master most!

From SL to RL with Love

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Picnik is closing

OMG!! what am I gonna do??

Picnik is closing, but can we still use it or its services?  I didn't understand the email...
they say they launched a new feature..Picnik Takeout, downloads my pictures to my desktop in a convenient zip files...premium  members will be refunded for the full amount...I don't want the money, I want picnik!

*stomps and pouts*

I guess Google has the feature now, I do have a picasa and most of my pics are in my picasa albums and some I just upload them through my I am searching the entire web for a site that will at least compare to picnik and so far nothing--nothing that will even come close to it *shakes her head*

oh well...

Lets see what is out there...

Picnik!! I am going to miss you so!


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Missing Him

My Master

 Near or Far

One thing does not change,

The intensity of the way that I love you,

Each new day is stronger than the last....



From SL to RL with love
your gift :)

a bit of shopping and tons of pictures!

I had to go shopping, this past weeks have been so stressful and of course shopping is the keyword to feeling better!!

I went to KiKi and bought me some hot shoes!! they are like the boots I bought with Master, RLV compatible, owner and stuff like very stylish!

After spending some L's went home and what else? yeeesh I took some pics!! *grins wide*

Couldn't decide which ones to I went with most of them!!

 I am loving my shoes!!

 waiting for him to come in any minute now.......a n y  m i n u t e  n o w. . .   .    .

 comfy bed...

  I think someone needs a little spanking...

 wondering what I am thinking about?  starts with a F, no wait...with a N, not quite right...I think it starts with a G.....geeez...nope not that either...lets go with the universal name "Master"

 come sit with me...lets talk

 It's just so hard to concentrate without him!! when missing Master...shoe shopping is the next best thing!

Time for bed, and you guessed right, wearing my shoes tonight...all night long! 

From SL to RL with Love

Monday, January 16, 2012

my Daughter in SL

So here comes Dottie and now wants to put a store in SL and asked me for help ^.^

"sure baby"

what else am I suppose to say?  she is my daughter, needs and wants my support...but she knows I am not consistent in SL, oh boy!!

She wants to make shapes, and some clothing which I am all down for don't get me wrong, but I am in and out all of the time, I hate the commitment of having to be at a certain place and at a certain time!  You probably wonder what kind of slave I make huh?  well, that's another blog post on its own.

I think she will do perfect, she is very talented, pays close attention to details...wait....I feel like I am writing a recommendation letter...or a resume...hehe

Lets see where this will take us...we always do things together...I get started and drag her into or the other way around ;p

My sweet Mini Me!!

two of her new shapes...*smiles proudly*

Oh yeah and my Gema is pregnant again!! geez my dogs should be rabbits, all they do is hump, going on the 7th puppy!  will have a house full of pups one of this days!!

Time to return to RL/SL

from SL to RL

Monday, January 9, 2012


I went home to pay tier today...was 2 days late, I forgot to pay it yesterday when I logged in, hehe, glad my landlord is very understanding, well, I am one of his oldest tenants in that land as well...and I was thinking of moving...we will see how that goes.

I logged in most of my av's today, but can't remember Ishtars' PW to save my life and that really sucks, I really like her and it will be a shame if I don't get to log her in :(

Going through tons of changes inside, all for the best, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger...haaaa!!! in the meantime I feel like a piece of me dies with each day...go figure!!

From SL to RL

Thursday, January 5, 2012



Making contact

He made contact today, my Master has been in the hospital for a week and I had no way of knowing, feeling like crap thinking he just gave me the boot :(

I hope he can find it in his heart to forgive me for jumping into conclusions and assuming...ugh

I keep login into SL, Gema (my dog) keeps having pups, I have six already, what am I suppose to do with them?  And if I give'm away I need to make sure it is someone who will take good care of them.

I could sell them but dang, I am attached and I haven't even seen what they look like!  hehe...but I bet they will be cute!

Time to hit the sheets, haven't slept for almost a week and I need some serious shut eyes!

I need to do some shopping, and also thinking of relocating, I do love our home but I really need a change, that is something I have to discuss with my Master when he is around.

Goodnight to all...You doesn't even feel like it was Christmas a week ago, how odd is that?!  Well, to my defense, I don't have much recollection of the past week, most of it is a blur...a painful blur.

From SL to RL with love

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Nothing works

I have tried for almost a week and nothing has helped...

There are more questions than answers and that is why I am feeling the way that I am.

I have been going to SL this past few days, not because I am thinking I am going to see him for I know it will be a long time for that to happen, but it also helps out to clear my head...playing PS3 has also helped me so much, during the sequence of the games I have not time to think because when I do I just break down...

Papi, what happened?

Since I don't know what really went on and what is happening I am just going to stay positive, keep meditating and just wait for him to let me know, but until that day comes, I am still his (prove is on the crotch). 

My heart tells me not to let go...I am listening to my heart

From SL to RL with love

Sunday, January 1, 2012


I can't even explain how I feel...

"Lost" is the best way to explain it.

Not knowing why is even worse...

From SL to RL with Love