Saturday, November 24, 2012

The night before Christmas (Gorean version)

The night before Christmas 

Twas the night before Christmas, and Gor was so slow,
Not a pixel was active, just a few lame AO's.
The badasses furred their FC's in the hay,
With everyone else in IM's marked away.

The slave girls were nestled all snug in their kennels,
Save the one OOC drama queen going mental.
And I on my poseball, arms wrapped round my lady,
About to create an in character baby.

When out on the docks there arose such a ruckus,
I was sure that some huge group was coming to fuck us.
I ran to the wall, the lag dripped like molasses,
I blew the raid horn, 'Now get off your dead asses!"

Some raiders are coming!  Some scurrilous bastards!
Let's get in position or it will be a disaster!
The commander just laughed.  "I know you want to pewpew,
But cam down to the docks, it's just a fat little dude!"

He's wearing a red suit, he's ancient and portly,
He's a bearded old sot, or a gluttonous Torvy. 
Just look at that rig, and those healthy tabuk!
We should ambush him there, and pillage his loot! 

But no sooner had those bold words passed from his lips,
Than the fat little man disembarked from the ship.
He grinned as he settled his butt in a sleigh,
And motioned his minions to take him away.

He rose with the wind, wicked gleam in his eye,
Then readied his weapons as his sleigh cruised the sky.
"Come Dancer, come Dasher, fly swift, straight and narrow!"
Why the senile old coot, he had names for his arrows!

His darts pelted on down like a harsh acid rain,
One in line with the next, like the cars on a train.
And before we could rise up to fend off this odd trouble,
We found ourselves fallen, encased by the bubble.  

Then he landed his craft in the midst of the fort,
With a loud belly laugh and just a hint of a snort. 
"You fools need to work at the fine art of war!" 
He pulled out some ropes "Are you really of Gor?"

He tied us off quickly, and with captivity looming,
Our commander grew angry, his face was just fuming.
"You attacked without reason, you attacked with pure malice!
I'm afraid that your actions are all quite invalid."

"Your prowess with weapons is truly misleading,
You broke all our rules, you clearly were cheating!"
"We don't allow aimbots, enhancements or tarns.
Your dress and behavior is great cause for alarm!"

He guffawed like a madman and poked with his boot.
"Shut up you dumb bastard, and give me your loot.
I addressed your concerns before I ever came in,
When I bribed all the mods and then purchased the sim."

He lined up the women, and then hogtied the men.
"You've seen me before, and you'll see me again." 
My name is St. Nick and I've come for some nookie.
I grow ever weary of the same milk and cookies!"

He regarded the women as though at a buffet,
Took the commander's FC as the perfect entree.
She protested and squirmed, but he stashed her inside
"Now get ready my pretty for an awesome sleigh ride!" 

He grinned as he planted his flag at the dock,
Rescues in one hour, so start watching the clock. 
Then he rose is his sleigh and vanished into the night.
"A merry Christmas to all... and to all a good fight!"

(copyright)   Martyr Magnifico

**this is hilarious!!** love it
I acquired permission from the owner to post here :) and permission granted

From Whispering Moons

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Cielo is a Panther of Forest Moon :)

I was never daring in SL, always played it safe, never wanted to be captured and scared of RP!

but this time around I am taking a new approach!!

While  having a conversation with my friend Koco i mentioned how much i wanted to be a panther, specially after seen a video in Youtube a long time ago

love that song and video too!!


I went on search and first place i found was Forest Moon!

I was greeted with much love and open arms

Of course applications, rules (which we get tested on) and certain tasks we must do...but eager to do it!!

and we have fun too!!

and thats the way the Panthers do it!

getting it down!







Wild Panther
It has been a great experience, and I am glad I took the chance.

I find myself interacting more and been more me!! friendly me :)

From Forest Moon

...lately with Zroos

Zroos has made some changes :)

she is the hottest shit around i tell you that much

she walks into a room and my IM board goes nuts

do you blame them!?

from SL

Thursday, November 15, 2012

My Collar

I can't wear my DCS meter because it needs to be attached to the chest....

Guess what?

My collar is attached to the chest, and I completely refuse to remove it at the moment, not until I am ready to do so...

Last night I played around a bit to see if I could change the attachment spot and it did not work, so I guess I am going to be without a meter, so I guess I will have to use one of my alts to fight in Thule.

I really don't care about the collar of the rest of the AV's ...Cielo, Kryy..etc, I am going to take their collar off, but when it comes to Punky and Aliexx...their collar was/is like my wedding band, I don't have the heart to remove it yet...even if he logs in and releases his name of my collar, I am not ready to go there.

Maybe in time I will...

but for now...

I can't

From SL to RL
Punky still in love.

A night at Lacourte

Feels great to have good friends who care and watch over you.

Miss Natasha and I spent sometime together last night...

She made me feel brand new, helping me look into a better future.

One thing I am grateful about is the fact that they know what kind of person I am.  Kind heart, understanding, loving, caring, a strong spirit (those words are from Asgrin), and they appreciate the person I am.

After much talking, and trust me, she was up til the wee hours of the night, sharing some RL pics *Grins ever so freacking wide*

and off to bed after that!

thank you for your understanding, your shoulder and your ears!!

From SL to RL with much love
Punky "Asvid Aravir"

Warrior Asgrin

welcome to Thule dear Warrior!!

Whoooped his ass in target practice with the bow!!

we were tied up in one game
then he won, then I won...and of course we had a tie breaker!!

Of course, I won!!


From Thule
Kryy and Asgrin!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A night of dancing, talking...a great time

I was dancing away at Ambrosia! great club and music, atmosphere is wonderful and i will def be going there more often!!
Love their dances, the atmosphere, the people seem to be fun, I just need to learn to speak up more!  a Guy tried hitting on me and had to set him straight

Judah217: hai.
zwarteroos: hello
Judah217: You look so gorgeous ZRoos
Judah217: how are you?
zwarteroos: thank you Judah! i am doing well and yourself?
Judah217: i want sex .. can i have you?
zwarteroos: read my profile buddy
zwarteroos: not here for sex
Judah217: ahh okie
Judah217: ahm,. how old are you ?
zwarteroos: old enough to probably be your mother and teach you manners
Judah217: sorry mother.. for all what i have said..
zwarteroos: next time read a profile before approaching for sex, not everyone here is looking for the same...go to a sex hub if you wanna get laid
Judah217 : sorry
zwarteroos: thanks for apologizing and accepted :)
Judah217: I m  very embarassed.. for what i've said
zwarteroos: you should be, it is not nice to say hi, i wanna have sex with you...manners above all
Judah217: SORRY

**Fucking noobs!!

After some IM'ing and planning, I went home, got my night gown on and off to sweethearts to dance!!

I had another great night of dancing!

Also spoke to my sweet Skye and my Koco checked up on me :)

I love my dear friends, and very glad to welcome some new ones.

Tre is a true gentleman, many years in SL 2006, sweet, caring, fun, funny, and we have a blast together!

Tre: you are able to pull my romantic part
zwarteroos: thank you
Tre: I love that
Tre: we're harmonic together
zwarteroos: indeed
Tre: strange to me
zwarteroos: how so?
Tre: it doesn't happen too often

**I guess I inspire that type of feeling on people :)

Tomorrow, out to meet more people and interact

I did say I was going to make this life different, didn't I?

From SL to RL

girls hang out :)

my beauties :)

and proud of them

I can't get away from Punky no matter what I do and how hard I try, she is just sooo hot!!!

Gorgeous girls!!
I love them :)

although there is something missing, a void...I know it will be filled one day, I have hope, and faith, and I truly believe in destiny!

From SL to RL with love
Asvid, Punky, and Zroos


Monday, November 12, 2012

Garden of Dreams

I am a total sucker for gardens, and this place is amazing...

prior to teleporting there i was looking for a club to go to and dance...i noticed this 50's place, at the moment didn't sound familiar, but since I love my oldies, i tp there...when i went around the corner and noticed it was a place where he and I went...i couldn't even find the tp button!
began to shake and my stomach turned, mouth was sour, and I rushed  home

After a few minutes of venting with myself I looked for gardens, soft music and a place to relax and just deal with my thoughts, my feelings, and emotions.

Even with a new life, he is still in me, with me...every where I go.

from SL

a night of pictures...


con el corazon en la mano!

from SL to RL

Just a day old

I have no work today, but I am at work...LOL
to kill time I logged in Zroos, my black rose :) and she is such a great hit
She is different from all the AV's so far I have created.
and she is beautiful!!


what else but thinking about him...*sighs*

at home, about to try on some new/free clothes :)
I created Asvid but I have not logged her in much, I just wanted to claim the name and make sure I do a copyright on that name, still kicking my ass for not doing the same with Atiya.

SL feels empty although I am surrounded by people...

I can't commit to RP, I dislike that type of commitment, specially if I have to be on a schedule.  But thinking about it.
I am still with UT minor, is more like a family SIM :) and we are all regulars there...

Taking Zroos a different way though...but while i figure that out, I will keep moving on, around and see what develops.

Also in RL i am dedicating an hour a day, so far, to playing Assassins Creed 3, it just keeps getting better and better!!! mmmmmmmmmmmm not to brag but i am so good at it!!! hehehee

Back to SL!! Empty...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Out Dancing

I can say there are still some nice gentleman out there, respectful, smart and full of wonderful conversations!!

I built up enough courage and just went for it!!

I went to Sweethearts - they took out the boat, looks different.  Was not there for 5 minutes when a gentleman says hi and asks me to dance, reluctant at first I accepted and very glad I did!

Thank you for the evening of fun and laughs!

I like the way you view things and life, my dancing partner!!
We agreed if we bump heads in SL we are going out dancing!!

Because of time zone issues he had to go to I went SIM hopping!! looking for Jazz music of course!

I hopped to another SIM and there I met Hans, but after dancing for a while and talking it was only obvious he was there for one reason only....
yes, get laid

Still, had a great time, they had great music at that place!!

Great night in SL after all


A bit more daring, getting out of the shell!

Trapped, no where out, no where to go...alone, afraid to go out into the world
caged in my emotions, unsure, which way to go, where to start, where to begin
In a box, wanting to get out, wanting to escape, to be more daring, to be more bold
and while I played around, pondering on what to do...

I sat, and still couldn't figure it out, I knew I looked fabulous, that is for sure
Moving from one place to another, nothing was coming to mind...scared to interact with others
Why if I am such a social butterfly in RL it is hard for me to actually just come out and be social in SL, i have my few friends, that no matter what life I take on, they will always be there.
Finally, after having my eyes closed for a while I decided to open them!

Everything was clear all around, even my mind!! I just went with my gut and oh what a wonderful night full of dance and conversations!!!

So I went out on the town......