Sunday, September 7, 2014

Cleaning Inventory

It is unreal the things we find in our inventory.
Considering I began SL (Punky) in 2009 I have accumulated tons of crap through the years and finally cleaning out and letting go of old stuff

I found a little something that I didn't even know I had
been playing with it for a bit already and must put it down to continue cleaning....

i wonder what else I am hiding

Friday, August 29, 2014

Slink Feet and my new shoes/boots addition

Love it!
Lindens well spent

Shoes are not that expensive, most I have spent is 480L and the min is 150L

we all know how much this girl loves her shoes and boots!!

Thank you FashionNatic


from %.:EC

mmmmm in love

Our Home

mmmm my Papi mine always looking so good!!

I'm an auntie!