Thursday, May 21, 2015


Almost 3 years since I was able to log her in, could not remember my pw for the life of me...didn't give up.

Once in a while i would try login her in, and nothing, but several weeks ago I tried once more and it worked, I guess it was meant for me to do it now.

Everything still the same
Same owner for all her gadgets, outdated clothes and hair
But she still looks hot
Oldie but goody

Can't wait to be able to log in more regular!

From SL to RL

Friday, March 13, 2015

Back in action

Master is back and I am working my way in as well.

My Master has been teaching my BF, irl and isl, the ways of Gor and role play and so grateful for his patience and understanding.
We are so lucky to have him

Since my little head is all over the place I have been scared to engage in RP but this weekend I will dedicate a few hours to get involved in our new home and RP.

It is great to have Master back and I do hope he stays around although my Master goes through phases on what he is into at the moment.

Gorean life fits both of us well and it really comes very natural to me, I just hope the rp goes well, boy am I rusty, still saying it, a bit nervous

But we will se how it goes