Friday, June 24, 2011

Ring Tone

When my Master sends me a text the sound of that special ring tone sends shivers down my spine, my knees get weak, my heart begins to beat faster, a knot in my throat sets in, I blush, I giggle, a huge grin from ear to ear adorning my face and let's not forget the famous butterflies in the tummy going crazy, an enormous heat consuming my entire body, WoWeee, all that by just listening to that melody which calls upon me, and it hypnotizes me and mesmerizes me , knowing is him calling for me, reaching to me.

After some issues I took the ring tone out and I have never been able to listen to it again. I do have to admit, I have tried to get away from him, tried to erase him little by little as it has gone through my mind he tried doing the same. Besides, since he hardly texts anymore I just set all my contacts to default so if he texts or emails I wouldn't jump and or run to my phone, or just go completely pale, blush and giggle while doing a lecture or in a meeting...

Several days ago I was going through my ring tones and came across that special tone, to say the least and although I knew it was not him texting, I felt a rush go through my entire body, I felt my heart skip beats, my chest contract, tingled from the tip of my toes to the tips of my hair, a wonderful and at the same time a scary feeling *sighs*

I can't believe I get like that by just listening to a ring tone...
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My view on Gorean Roleplay & Masters in SL

I did some role playing as a Gorean slave for a bit but in all honesty it was too hard!  I didn't mind learning certain things but it seemed that everyone in Second Life make their own rules as they go along and at times I didn't know which way to go.

Learning to serve was the most hideous part, writing all those emotes killed me and when you meet some of the slaves that are really into what they do it can make anyone look like you need some serious training.  I write the way I would do things in RL, I am not so great with the emotes and really had to put an extra effort specially when there were people around I would turn into pure shit.  I am not shy yet in SL depending where I am at and who I am with I get quiet and nervous, why? beats the hell out of me! I do feel comfortable when Master is around, able to express myself and  don't mess up as much.

In Second Life Gor and BDSM rule but you have to be really careful with some of the people you meet.  At the Gor HUB you meet tons of Masters looking for slaves to collar and slaves looking to be collared which is something I still can't quite grasp.  A relationship between an Owner and his slave should be special, unique, a bond like no other.  I have met some Masters who have a shit load of slaves and they are extremely unhappy, tons of drama, they are slave collectors, they thrive in saying that they have all this girls at their feet and get a kick out of mistreating them not doing what they are suppose to do...

"It is one thing to own a woman, and it is another to have her within the bonds of an excellent mastery."
Page 465 - Magicians of Gor

Some should read the books and get a bit educated if this is the road they really want to take, just because they call themselves Master does not mean that they really are.

Other things that really was a downer is the name calling...eeeek, didn't enjoy it at all, but I guess is the Gorean way...

"in the eyes of the Gorean you are an animal.  You have no name in your own right.  You may be collared and leashed.  You may be bought and sold, whipped, treated as the Master pleases, disposed off as he sees fit.  You have no right whatsoever.  Legally you have no more status than a Tarsk or a Vulo.  Legally, Literally, you are an animal"  Page 316 Explorers of Gor

I like the concept of the Gorean lifestyle but there are things that I just can't stand, to all you wanna be Masters get your act straight, don't try to play Master, be one!

"Yes, slaves are property, to be treated as a mere animal, but, how many truly are?  Those slaves who are well trained, are greatly desired, fiercely protected, treasured and even loved.  Many a war has been fought over the recovery of ones slave"

"Swords are often drawn on Gor over women, and particularly over lovely slaves.  Women are prizes, perfections and treasures.  It is not wonder that men fight over them with ferocity.  Wars have been fought to recover a stolen slave"
Page 397, Renegades of Gor

"...the slave girl is not simply someone with whom the man lives; she is very special to him; she is a treasured possession; he owns her; he wants to know her; profoundly and deeply; the background, history, the mind, the intelligence, the appetites, the nature and disposition of his lovely article of property; this knowledge, of course, puts her more at his mercy; by making it possible to manipulate her feelings, exploit weakness, drop asides...she is in the helpless condition of slavery, it give him more power over her"
Page 42, Tribesmen of Gor

I love that last quote, makes me understand my Master so much, his curiosity in knowing every single detail about me is awesome!! I am open with him in every possible way you can think of...he owns me, I submitted, he accepted, which was such an honor for me, I do not wear a collar, but I am branded *grins wide* (in Real Life)

I love him *smiles*

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Getting Nursery Ready

enjoying the end results

Already at week 16 and 24 more to go (in SL time), time is just going by so fast before I know it the baby will be here, my due date is three weeks from tomorrow.  I have been feeling the baby came at the wrong time, he does not have time to be online and I think he will miss the birth and many more things to come...Anyways...

 Already have the crib, changing table and little things that I will be needing, now all I have to do is just wait for the big day.

I placed a house up in the sky a few weeks ago, cute little cabin place which I use to relax and clean up my inventories.  I own a ton of houses, is one my hobbies.  I thought it would be cozy to bring the girly home to this place, our other home is a bit Vikinish and the Zooby crib might look out of place there.

Very satisfied with the end results! yeaee, I feel weird because I am actually excited about having this baby, helluuurrr, something wrong with me?  It makes me sad in a way...brings certain memories that I am still trying to overcome and there are days that I feel so lost, blame myself and wonder, why?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Multi-Tasking & Priorities

I often get asked by friends how I manage to be in SL while doing chores, cooking, laundry, work 40 hrs a week, pick up my kids from work, meditate, get enough sleep at night and squeeze in extra curriculum activities that comes in between.

All I can say is that I manage well and able to accomplish every single task I set out to do.  I do have to write things down, certain things of course.  I am sorta of a perfectionist, when I do something I have to make sure is done properly and I aim to get it done the first time, I follow Stephen Kings' motto "if you don't have time to do something right the first time, where are you going to find the time to fix it".

I don't have much to fix around the house since I am up at 5:30 everyday and make sure the house is up to standards before I leave, my bed is made and the mess I make each morning looking for clothes is placed back where it belongs.  When I get home after working my 8 hours I log into SL while I am cooking, dusting, probably watching T.V at the same time *grins wide* and after all is said and done...I make sure the kitchen is mopped each night before I go to bed...Hey, I was raised in the Dominican Republic we mop twice a day over there and dust everyday, some habits just stayed with me...that's not all, hehe, I love the smell of clean fresh sheets and pillow case so I like to change them before I go to bed, I sleep naked and the feel of the softness all over my body ummmm priceless!

My time is pretty much all distributed through an entire day of running around but I drop everything in a microsecond when I hear that special ring tone from him, whether it is a text or an email...doesn't matter what it is.  I have canceled appointments, arrived late to work, left work late, rearranged meetings at work and even had them postponed them because my Master is logged in.  He is most important, the priceless feeling my sheets give me at night can't compare to the feeling he gives me (wow, I am comparing him to sheets).
Any time and chance I get to be with him I make sure my schedule is completely clear, while in SL he gets distracted probably chatting or in RL with other programs, watch a movie or a show, little does he know (he will find out now) is that I am running around doing the same things at home..haha.  All that counts is that I am with him, spending time with him...He is my priority.

Bad Connection

My internet was acting up today and all the joy I had coming home to log into my SL just got squashed down.  Once I was able to log in I couldn't TP (teleport) to other SIM's and when I tried it was a sure crash :(

After so many crashes I noticed that Cielo's birth control pills were gone, my HUD was not working properly and it went from day 27 to day 1 so I rushed to Mama Allpa to get her started on the pills again...already have Punky pregnant, I will go nuts if Kryystall, Aliexx, or Cielo get pregnant at this point.

It has been a while since I logged in Aliexx (Dash's Jewel) and all I can say is WoW! how could I forget about such a beauty?  No more, she is out of the box and dusted real well and ready for her Master when she is needed.  Her Inventory is a bit lame seems she only have slave wear in there *hehe*

I need to bring some of my AV's out of hiding and get into other things, I like variety, I can't do just one thing, I have to be up and at it, busy, having something to do or I will go in a thinking rampage and I don't like that at all!

Took some pics in between crashes *grins* hope you all enjoy!



Good Monday

I am logged in in SLiteChat, is like an IM for SecondLife *grins* yeah...I am that hooked!! It looks like I am logged in, I really wonder if my av is actually in-world; people are seen me logged in and I am having to explain over and over again that I am not actually there that is just like a chat thingy wingy.

Looking forward to getting home, I have so much to do between this week and next week is not even funny...getting a nursery ready, keeping up with La Dominique since it feels I have been away for a while, getting other things done here and there for I really want to go into my SL full force.
I was asked to play daughter to my friends Kaede and Walker from Terabithia, hellz yeah, so down with that! hehe, getting an av ready to play their kid, I just hope I can do it.  I told them to do a schedule for me, I work better with schedules, knowing days and time I need to be there makes it easier for me :)

RL is going great, feeling at ease and not letting petty stuff get to is amazing how the negativity of others can affect you in so many ways, the way you think, act, and feel.  I was completely out of my character for a while, doubts flying around left and right...sad thing is that certain events that took place just reinforced my doubts about many things :(
Yet here I am against all odds, proud to say that our love is worth every sacrifice I have made and all the changes that has taken place.

Loving you Loving me

**Can't wait to get home**

Sunday, June 19, 2011

From SL to RL with love

I understand is hard to make the transition from Second Life to Real Life specially for some of us.  I have a few friends that say that my relationship with Him is not going to go beyond computer walls and I understand where they gather their conclusions - they have gone through heart aches and deceptions and they probably don't want to see me going through the same.

They say things such as: I am too good for him *eeeek*, that I have so much love to give, and how he does not give me the attention I so much deserve.
I don't think I am better than Him (or anyone else for that matter) nor that I am too good for Him, I do have so much love to give and that is exactly what I am doing - loving Him, as far as the attention is concerned he does have a job and responsibilities he needs to tend to and I understand and for that I am called blind.

I really don't give much explanations for I feel the only one I need to explain things to is Him.  I love the fact they care enough to tell me how they feel, how honest they are when they express their feeling, and I also understand that someone outside the circle has a better view than the ones in it, they probably see something I don't, but is blind, it has no reason, it can't tell time, and what they don't understand is the dynamic of our relationship.

You see...I am owned, submitted not only in Second Life but also in Real Life, I knelt before him and surrendered everything I am to him.  I have taken my submission very serious, I am deaf to everything negative everyone has to say, the only one that matters is Him, what he has to say, his feelings and my feelings.  His words are first and last in my book and in my life whether it is my SL or my RL because both of them belong to him.

Not many can understand what submission is, belonging to someone freely in heart, mind, and soul, to love someone above and beyond all reasons, trust that someone with your life, with everything you are and you aspire to be.

He is my Owner, my Master; I am His slave, his property, his girl...and when I tell you I am owned and his property, oooh I mean that from the bottom of my heart, I am branded with his initials and my slave numbers so there you go...any questions?

Nov, 2012 all ended
after 8 agonizing months...we found our way to each other again.

I love my Master and Owner

Saturday, June 18, 2011

My SL Date

My friend Flower from Dominique is as sweet as she can be, she was having a hard time the other day and has not been around much and finally today she shows up...guess what?  I took her out on a date!We got all dolled up and hit the town!

Had an awesome time!  now is time to go to bed, want to get up in the middle of the night and enjoy some more SL time!  I am so hooked! hehe
I am going to decorate our house today and make it awesome!! and thinking of changing our home once again...hehe, to make it more comfy for us ya know *grins*
and as Dotties' would say....TOODLES!!!!!

A Day in La Dominique

Rae was teaching me to sail again, it was shameful to see me even try, so bad!!

First and foremost I am meeting wonderful people, Sir has been wonderful and very understanding...when we first met he had the hots for me but when I explained to him I belonged to someone in every meaning of the word, he still comes to the island and watch me dance :)

he tells everyone that sees him there (cause he suppose to be an enemy) that he goes to there to think and get inspired *grins wide*

Of course this cute "muse" can inspire a rock!! duh, you blame him for drooling !?

Rae is the one who was teaching me to sail...that was a project on its on!

of course we were more stuck than sailing but he was very calm and took it easy with me *shakes her head* but I was able to get the hang of it

After we were done *more like crashed* he gave me a big hug!! I think he was just happy because I didn't get him killed...*giggles*

and then he scared the shizzles out of me when he went into the water and became a big monster...his other char where he RP's at

It was a great day!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

More of SL & we are having a baby ~Girl~

I went for my first prenatal appointment today, blood pressure was normal, weight is 132 and the ultrasounds pics are the best!

Mama Allpa really done it with this HUD and all of its gadgets, love it! Did you know your prenatal appointments and the birth are free if you are a MA customer? *grins wide* now you know.

Been getting my groove on, exploring different places and meeting new people, I have few friends but the ones I have are the best friends a girl can ever ask for, I may never like what they have to say about certain things but at least they are honest and can't go wrong with that.

I am currently role-playing as native in La Dominique and when my Master is in-world I join him at Port Charles, or sailing, and sometimes we just stand there while I talk my ass off, my poor love, I can talk til the cows come home and he still stands there and listens to me ;P and surprisingly he still with me ^^

I was away from the game for a while, but hooked once again...I am still a bit shocked about the baby, helluur I wasn't expecting it, we are married and we never talked about contraceptives we just let nature take its course, and it sure did just after 4 days owning the HUD.

*sighs* Let's see what happens and what evolves from here, until then...

Luta in love

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Returning Home

When RL kicks in SL becomes just that...second.  We all have our responsibilities and some more than others, for one reason or another it makes it difficult in our busy schedule to set time to splurge on the things we want to do.  In some cases we are doing so many things at once that we have to set a schedule to fit all of our activities and dedicate time to each and everyone of them.

I really thought it would be a long time for me to see him again.  The last time we spent time together in SL was in February and unexpectedly on May 31st he shows up :)

Man I was happy, still happy, he comes in every time he gets a chance to spend time with me, of course I try to make his time here enjoyable, he sails and explores Port Charles or Jabberwock, maybe do some shopping, role-play, explore; sometimes I go with him but there are times I stay behind.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy been with him and I would love to suck up all of his time but he doesn't get to enjoy SL as much as I do and there are things he probably wants to do on his own and we are on IM and never too far from each other.  I enjoy seen him happy, content, comfortable and relaxed...he is after all my Master, my Owner and with that said his happiness means the world to me.

Through thick and thin I will stand by him, not only as his woman but also as his slave, I swore to protect him, to love him, to desire him, to obey him, to be faithful, and above all respect him.

I have no secrets for him, I am an open book in his eyes and until now through distance and time nobody knows me like he does and I wouldn't want it any other way :)

I love you mi Capitan.

Mama Allpa HUD..oh & Punky is pregnant

He went and got us Mama Allpa HUDs, to say the least 4 days later Punky was pregnant!!! oh boy...This HUD will make you experience menstruation, fertility, conception, pregnancy, if you don't want to get pregnant you can always use the pill which is free at the clinic they have.  The male will not know if you are taking it (just in case you are wondering).
Another great feature is the paternity test, you get pregnant and want to know who the father is, or prove the guy he is the father, it is easy, go to the clinic and stand next to the father and you can run the test! (haha, sounds like the Maury Show).
They have other attachments you can also use with the HUD as well...the website is at the bottom of the blog in case you wanna check it out.

10 weeks
So I am trying to figure out this baby business deal in SL, we did have a baby once but it was when we lived in Therabithia for someone else to take over after the baby was of age (a few days in SL time), her name is/was Katy! It was all for role-play Katy!!

She is a Honeydew baby! I think they have wonderful features compare to some of the ones they have out there *makes a funny face*.  This time around we are going for a Zooby baby, and they also have the toddler  to match the newborn, I was able to play with them from my midwife Misty.

I have no idea what we are going to do with the baby, how we are going to do this too cause dang, already 11 weeks that means I have 29 more weeks to go, that is only a few days away and they go so fast! guess we will manage, we always do.

I have to take a few pictures and send it to my Papi so he can see them and give me his input on it, I don't know if he wants to be involved in the details of everything that is going on with the pregnancy, the visits to the Dr, etc., I know his RL is busy at the moment and he can't be here like he wish he was.  WoW, I miss him :( better days will come :)))

I am Luta

My name is Luta and I come from a world called Second Life but we call it SL for short.

I love writing, brainstorming, telling stories, poems, traveling, taking pictures, dancing, exploring...and my biggest weakness at the moment...HIM.

From SL (second life) to RL (real life), many can separate what is real, what is fake, what is fiction and non-fiction while others are the reflection of their avatars. 
BDSM, Gorean lifestyle, Vampire, Vikings, Fantasy Land, Traveling back in Time, going into the Future, re-enact an Era, Role-playing, and for some living the life they want to live but they can't.
To many of us Second Life is an escape, a place where we can go to do things we have no time to do in our Real Life...for instance; in RL I can't go clubbing on a Tuesday night, guess again, in SL I can and that is only the beginning.

My name is Luta, my rez day is November 3rd, 2007, I am the first of many but all in one!  I do not hide my alts and I am very honest with everyone I meet, I try my best to be upfront and tell the truth no matter how much it hurts me and/or others but it is so sad when other people are dishonest and lie to me for no apparent reason.  In-World you will meet all sorts of people from all walks of life, some will be honest and become the best friends you never thought you'd have, unfortunately some will be your worse nightmare. Relationships come and go in SL as well, today you will be madly in love, move in together, get partnered and even form a family then suddenly someone will move on, they found a better AV who they are more compatible with, RL happens, they are sick and tired of that person breathing down their neck, the person just stops login in never to be seen again while the other is tearing their little heart I promised myself not to fall under neither one of the categories above and managed to stay single for two years until 2009 when I met "Him".

I am a woman in love and this love has taken me to places I never thought I would go...I am confused, I am torn, I don't know which way to go, I am the other woman, the lover, the dirty little secret, the one that is in hiding, the internet affair...I have been called all sorts of names, harassed and even embarrassed, but I can't and wont give up on the most wonderful love and feeling of my life, not many can understand that, but all that matters is Him and I

The hardest thing is walking away from the man you love, and I refuse to do journey through SL and RL.