Monday, June 25, 2012

My First Quest in Thule

This quest will give you the title ****The Master Trader**** as a reward!

Part one of two!!!!!!!

The old lady will give you a small knife that you need later.

How do you start?

Click the old lady, You will get a menu:

Choose Required List, Read in open chat what the old lady need,

Start quest Ultima Thule Minor whispers: Item:  Exclusive fur (25)
Start quest Ultima Thule Minor whispers: Item:  Silver ingot (50)
Start quest Ultima Thule Minor whispers: Item:  Horn (10)
Start quest Ultima Thule Minor whispers: Item:  Antlers (10)

In Ultima Thule Minor you will find items on the ground, you can do chores, you can trade with
people you meet..or steal from them! Keep your eyes open!

When you have all the items needed, come back to the old lady and click her:

Choose Create, and if you have all the required items, you will receive a knife.

Take the knife to the young fisher boy.

Good luck!

Ultima Thule Minor SIM Rules Honor Roleplay


Ultima Thule is historical roleplay sims, using Honor Roleplay System. The setting is Scandinavia in the years 600 - 1100, before the lands where christened. We want to provide a historical environment for our members to enjoy.


*You must be over 18yo to play here
*ALL players have to wear the Honor Roleplay Meter
*Only HUMAN avatars
*No child avatars.
*No flying or enhanced jumping
*Follow the historical setting in your character and RP as much as possible.
*Avoid OOC chat. Use IM for this.
*No insulting, aggressive, or harassing behavior in OOC/IM.
*No drama or bullshit. You are expected to handle both yourself, and any problems in an adult and mature manner.
*Gestures are NOT allowed in the sim.
*Modern slang such as "lol" "brb" "kk" "wtf" "cya" "r u done?" is not appropriate in role play.

If you joined the Ultima Thule sims this means you are willing and open to rp here. There are only two things consensual in Ultima Thule: Killing and personal limitations. Roleplaying here might get you attacked, even taken down, or made a prisoner.
If you have roleplay limitations, write these in your profile!!

Every person who wants to rp in Ultima Thule has to wear the group tag - that is the The Ultima Thule Minor tag or a Ultima Thule Minor subgroups tag.

We do not allow tags or meter labels, which state, or lead others to incorrectly believe the avatar is a sim admin or rp moderator.

These sims are with mature content, so sexual role play is allowed... of course, within the limits of TOS and according to everyones' will.
Nudity is allowed as well as sexual intercourse, just don't rezz your poseballs in the middle of the sim ! Find some private place for that.

Being a slave has to be mutual accepted.
We do not use collars here, nor does slaves sit in nadu or similar.
Enemy soldiers captured during battle/raids, whether in Ultima Thule Minor, are to be treated as prisoners of war and not personal slaves.

You are required to wear historically correct clothing to participate in roleplay (free clothes are provided in the welcome area).

SIM Owner

Misselisabeth McCallen

NOW!!! Lets have a great time!!!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

What is a trell?

taken from Daily Life in the Viking Period

The slave - or "trell", as the Vikings called him, is not mentioned in the law because they were not protected by the law. The slave was owned by his owner in the same way the owner owned his domestic animals. Slaves were looked upon as the owner’s property. The owner could buy and sell a slave, and he could treat his slave as he liked. If the owner killed one of his slaves, it was not considered as murder. If a free man killed another man’s slave, the murderer only had to pay for a new slave. The price was nearly the same as that of a domestic animal. 

When a female slave bore a child, her child automatically became the property of her owner. If a pregnant slave was sold, her unborn child became the new owner’s property as well. Rigstula tells us that the slaves worked all the time. They collected wood, fertilized the fields, made fences, dug turf, bred pigs and made bast ropes. The slave family ate unwholesome and unappetizing food. According to the law, the only thing a slave was allowed to own was a knife. 

Slaves were often captured during Viking raids upon British islands, but a free Norwegian man could also become a slave, either by free will or by force. He might be forced into slavery if he wasn’t able to pay the mulct ordained by the Thing or if he couldn’t feed himself and his family. Some Vikings became rich by selling slaves to other tribes in Europe. 

Doesn't seem too different from the Gorean Slave..

thank you for attending my little lecture of the day!!

From SL to RL with Love

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Things that are happening at Thule Minor!

*** Tired but happy she open the doors to her longhouse. Home at last. The trip back and fourth to Sweden was tiring, but a success.
Astrids' mother was fit and healthy when she arrived, but at the end of Astrid's stay the Queen fell ill and weak with a mysterious condition.
Astrid grins devilish to herself, "It won't be long now, and I, Astrid will be queen of Norway!"***


Take part in the vikings midsummer blot and festivities.
Midsummer is the high point of the year, the time when deeds are brightest and the heart is most daring.


2 pm SLT

blot by Aelfwyn at the ceremony place

2.30  pm SLT

Stories around the fireplace by Katla, south in the land

Dance around maypole and regular dance

--Trivia by miss e during dance 500 lindens to winner

New quiz in the quiz stone, 500 lindens to one winner, ends 29th June


Start Ultima Thule Minor photo competition  Ends 22 July
   1st prize  2000 lindens
   2nd prize  1000 linden
   3rd prize      500 lindens
    Honorable mention 250 lindens
Quest :
Do a small quest and have a chance in winning 250 lindens (one winner)
*Locate the little girl and her cat and she will give you the quest

All welcome!

join us!!

From SL to RL with Love

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Missing Comb in Thule & Nick is a Winner!

the Princess's trell lost her comb, how? beats me! how can you even misplace a comb?

For days, the Danes and the Norse have been searching for the comb to get the reward (500 L's) and probably be in good grace with the Princess...who is soon to be the queen of the Norse... *clears her throat* by any means necessary if I may add *grins wide*

Nick is a winner!!

Last week he won the quiz contest and now he finds the comb? nah ah!! I am on it, he got some competition coming to him!
that's right!
Move ova'man!!
*shoves him playfully*

We had a great RP night...I was so pleased, almost 11 pm and I didn't want to go to bed!! hehe, that is always a great thing, can't wait to log in tonight!

Kamiko is also new, I don't have a pic of her yet, her hair was having issues, and you know how us females can be when it comes to certain things, but pic coming soon!

Back to Nick...cause this post is all about NICK!!

Cool guy! fun, funny and very pleasant to be around!  Great conversations too.
He wants a big family! oh and he is Bondi too...forgot to ask him from where...but full details coming later on as RP evolves!

Everyone is going to be in trouble with Nick, he loves competition! and he is great at it!

With all the games, and events in the SIM we either will have to tie him down or give him the wrong clues...PEOPLE/AVATARS/VIKINGS get your competitors' hat on cause we gonna need it!!

From UT
Asvid "Redbush"

Sunday, June 17, 2012

MidSummer Blot ~Meeting of the Minds~

Today there was a meeting held for the Mid-Summer Blot.
I have some juicy information about the ladies here...hehe

I am so glad to have been logged in to participate :)

There are tons of things going on this summer and I am excited and glad to be part of it!

Wonderful ladies here, i am already loving it...seems like SL managed to pull me back in! *sighs*
feels wonderful to belong.

Astrid - Princess and soon to be Queen of the Norse

she is someone who you do not want to cross, she will kill to get what she wants...don't believe me, come and find out!!  Cant say much, I may not live another day to count the blessings Odin give me each day! But if you want to find out more, come and join us for a bit

Aelfwyn - Queen of the Danes

Aefwin and Katla's older brother, Harald was heir to the throne of Denmark. He and his sisters went to England in search of adventure. In England, Harald discovered that an old enemy was now ruling in Yorvik. Harald and his hearthband began raiding the lands of the King of Yorvik. Eventually there was a battle and Harald was killed. Alf's twin sister Aelflaed was kidnapped by raiders from Yorvik . Harald  had married, sand left a young son; his wife had diedin Childbirth. When Their father died, Alf and Katla returned to Denmark and became Queens of the Danes. They are raising their brother's son to become King. Alf travels a lot in search of he twin sister. In her traels she often wears male clothing and passes herself off as a young man. Aelfwyn has always enjoyed pursuits that are more commonly associated with me: she knows how to use a sword and bow, and enjoys horseback riding, and sailing. Her father used to call her his Shieldmaden. with their father gone, Aelfwyn fears that the Norse and Swedes may combine to invade Denmark, and she is often in Norway gathering information and looking for her twin sister.

Katla - Queen of the Danes

Being forced into an arranged marriage not wanted Katla cut her braid off in defiance and ran away from the village her Father ruled in, To complete her disguise she also changed her last name to hide her parentage. While on the road she met up with Aelfwyn, her elder sister to help her on her find her twin and my other  elder sister Alflaed.

Asvid 'redbush'  ~The Mead House Lady~

My husband and I embarked on a fishing trip one clear spring day unaware that tragedy was waiting not far from us.
A terrible storm caught us by surprise, waves taking down our small fishing boat.  I was lucky enough to escape with my life, but I do not think my husband was lucky enough...I haven't seen him since.
Each night I stand by the shore looking North waiting for the day he will he come home.

She works hard as a Mead House Lady, she fights, a good soul, but very dirty with her mouth, watch out!
 to many she is known "redbush".
Great with the bow!

From Ultima Thule

Asvid's Story

My husband and I embarked on a fishing trip one clear spring day unaware that tragedy was waiting not far from us.

As we gathered our fishing gear, watching the big fishes clearly swimming around the boat, I can remember his sweet and satisfied grin under his blonde and bushy beard.

The skies began to turn gray and the waves became furious from one moment to another...looking up as a very large wave approached us taking down our boat under water...I struggled to stay afloat, I was able to grab on to a piece of wood floating around me, the waves kept coming bringing me under a few times before I was able to get a good grip, holding on tight, embracing the board for my life was depending on it.

As the storm died out I looked around, only seen the wreck that was left from the short but devastating storm.   I looked all over, I searched for my husband who was no where in sight, I screamed for him, and nothing, he never answered back...I know He is a great swimmer, and my heart tells me he is somewhere, somewhere out there.  I am not giving up searching for him for one day I have the hope to find him.

I was rescued by some fishermen passing through, they weren't too kind and I had to earn my way back home...

Back to Ultima Thule, to the Norse, to my sweet and loving home...without a husband, only fishing skills, the ability to use the bow, and the survival skills I learned with my husband.

have i been gone such long time that I can't remember where my home is?...All I can remember I am from the Norse! A proud woman of the Norse!

I am a hard worker, true to my Queen and her followers!

Finding my way once again...

Each night, at sun down...I stand by the shores of the Norse hoping one day my husband will come home

Asvid "RedBush"

Ultima Thule Minor

I haven't been able to log in much this days, RL is taking over and trying to get a grip on things...

Since MissE started the changes in UT Minor each time I log in takes my breath away...It looks so wonderful!!

The details she adds to the SIM are completely amazing and it just makes you want to stay like you are actually there!

She makes up this fabulous games, picture contests! Oh my the picture contests!

I took several pics...ok, I must admit I went a little berserk taking pics, but they are so wonderful!!

It is amazing to transport into a place that is magical, takes your breath away, feels peaceful until of course there is a raid, then you have to pull out the bows and arrows, the swords, and after that is drinking ale, singing of victory, and tons of eating!!

I love the viking SL of course

felt as if I was in a real art museum...hehe

each time i log into Thule...I feel I am...HOME

From SL to RL with love