Monday, June 25, 2012

Ultima Thule Minor SIM Rules Honor Roleplay


Ultima Thule is historical roleplay sims, using Honor Roleplay System. The setting is Scandinavia in the years 600 - 1100, before the lands where christened. We want to provide a historical environment for our members to enjoy.


*You must be over 18yo to play here
*ALL players have to wear the Honor Roleplay Meter
*Only HUMAN avatars
*No child avatars.
*No flying or enhanced jumping
*Follow the historical setting in your character and RP as much as possible.
*Avoid OOC chat. Use IM for this.
*No insulting, aggressive, or harassing behavior in OOC/IM.
*No drama or bullshit. You are expected to handle both yourself, and any problems in an adult and mature manner.
*Gestures are NOT allowed in the sim.
*Modern slang such as "lol" "brb" "kk" "wtf" "cya" "r u done?" is not appropriate in role play.

If you joined the Ultima Thule sims this means you are willing and open to rp here. There are only two things consensual in Ultima Thule: Killing and personal limitations. Roleplaying here might get you attacked, even taken down, or made a prisoner.
If you have roleplay limitations, write these in your profile!!

Every person who wants to rp in Ultima Thule has to wear the group tag - that is the The Ultima Thule Minor tag or a Ultima Thule Minor subgroups tag.

We do not allow tags or meter labels, which state, or lead others to incorrectly believe the avatar is a sim admin or rp moderator.

These sims are with mature content, so sexual role play is allowed... of course, within the limits of TOS and according to everyones' will.
Nudity is allowed as well as sexual intercourse, just don't rezz your poseballs in the middle of the sim ! Find some private place for that.

Being a slave has to be mutual accepted.
We do not use collars here, nor does slaves sit in nadu or similar.
Enemy soldiers captured during battle/raids, whether in Ultima Thule Minor, are to be treated as prisoners of war and not personal slaves.

You are required to wear historically correct clothing to participate in roleplay (free clothes are provided in the welcome area).

SIM Owner

Misselisabeth McCallen

NOW!!! Lets have a great time!!!

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