Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Missing Comb in Thule & Nick is a Winner!

the Princess's trell lost her comb, how? beats me! how can you even misplace a comb?

For days, the Danes and the Norse have been searching for the comb to get the reward (500 L's) and probably be in good grace with the Princess...who is soon to be the queen of the Norse... *clears her throat* by any means necessary if I may add *grins wide*

Nick is a winner!!

Last week he won the quiz contest and now he finds the comb? nah ah!! I am on it, he got some competition coming to him!
that's right!
Move ova'man!!
*shoves him playfully*

We had a great RP night...I was so pleased, almost 11 pm and I didn't want to go to bed!! hehe, that is always a great thing, can't wait to log in tonight!

Kamiko is also new, I don't have a pic of her yet, her hair was having issues, and you know how us females can be when it comes to certain things, but pic coming soon!

Back to Nick...cause this post is all about NICK!!

Cool guy! fun, funny and very pleasant to be around!  Great conversations too.
He wants a big family! oh and he is Bondi too...forgot to ask him from where...but full details coming later on as RP evolves!

Everyone is going to be in trouble with Nick, he loves competition! and he is great at it!

With all the games, and events in the SIM we either will have to tie him down or give him the wrong clues...PEOPLE/AVATARS/VIKINGS get your competitors' hat on cause we gonna need it!!

From UT
Asvid "Redbush"