Friday, January 18, 2013

Busy RL

Family here from around the world ;-p

I have been login in sporadically, but more AFK than anything else.

Conversations with my koco :)
Checking out some stores here and there
Haven't been able to get back to RP
If I didn't love my friends and AV's so much I would have given up SL by now...really, is not the same, it hasn't been the same in a long time, even before all this happened with Papi...

I love SL
The fashion
The style
The creation and imagination of others
The radio stations I listen to while I am AFK at work
My dear Friends, although we dont get to talk everyday we know we are there for each other...perfect

I'm logged in as I am writing this but nowhere near the computer

maybe tomorrow I will do something

From SL to RL

Sent from my Windows Phone