Monday, December 24, 2012

today...i am angry

going quiet for a while...not that i am saying i am leaving SL, but blogger wise.

I will be posting pics, and include a blurb on the pics, but i have decided to go under the radar for a while.

I need time.

I will be login in, that is for sure, that is not changing, I have friends, and that I am not ready to give up.

But it is better to go private, quiet.

Today I realized how angry I am feeling.

Today I said some things I probably should not have in an email, do i regret it? no, because it is how I feel.  so i am ready to back up my words.  no going back :) what kind of person would that make me? hehe


wow, i am just wowed!!!


to up the mood, dress up nice in RL, go out and mingle, in SL, leave groups, take off collars and look fabulous wearing my kiki boots :)

One thing I must say, man had awesome taste!

Will see you around...

from SL to RL