Thursday, November 8, 2012

it is going to be hard...

Tonight, before I go to bed, when I am used to write him an email wishing him a great morning...

is going to be even harder, waking up to an empty email, full of spam, and junk mail...but there will not be a letter from him.

It is going to be hard login in to SL and seen my little screen where my partner used to be, empty, like my heart...empty, like my soul.

It is hard already when people are wondering and asking...

What happened?

You guys were perfect for each other!! *smiles softly* yes, we were :)

I was asked by several friends if I was going to give up SL, although I spent most of my SL life with him, and I know it is going to be hard every single day I log in, every place I go, even if we didn't visited together, just SL itself is a reminder of him, but, I also have wonderful friends, including him, although I may never see him again there.

Just one day at a time...

One log in at a time..........

From SL to RL


Divorced in SL

Hardest thing to do today...

But it had to happen.

heart broken, and feeling a bit lost but I will make it.

Fox gave me some wonderful moments in our SL life, the best ones if any...

We say never say never, but I will never get partnered in SL again. 

It was beautiful while it lasted, but sometimes, all great things must come to an end!

From RL
with a broken heart